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Patates douces farcies avec crème sure et Chili Crisp

Loaded Sweet Potatoes with Chili Crisp Crema

Patates douces farcies avec crème sure et Chili Crisp

Loaded Sweet Potatoes with Chili Crisp Crema
Donne 2 portions


2 patates douces (taille moyenne, lavées et bien brossées)
1/4 tasse de yogourt à la noix de coco (non sucré)
2 c. à soupe de ciboulette
6 tranches de bacon à base végétale Smart Bacon
2 c. à soupe de poudre de Chili Crisp
2 c. à soupe de beurre végétalien
1 c. à soupe d’huile d’olive
Directives :
1. Preheat oven to 425

2. Poke potatoes with fork to create holes for the steam to release as it cooks. Rub each potato with olive oil, and place on a foil lined baking sheet or dish. Bake yams in the oven for 45-50 minutes or until tender.

3. While the potatoes are baking, place the smart bacon on a baking dish and place in the oven for 7-8 minutes, turning halfway through. Remove the bacon and allow to cool, it will become crisp as it cools. When cooled, chop the bacon in to large chunks and set aside.

4. When the potatoes are done baking, split the potatoes down the middle and press the middle apart. Place a dollop of butter in each potato then top with coconut yogurt, bacon, chives and chili crisp then serve.

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